Get Involved

Our members work to make a difference

The Prohibition Party Pennsylvania Chapter invites you to get involved and participate in our local activities, projects and events.


The Pennsylvania Senate and House have committees dealing with issues of concern to us.


We’ll continue to call attention to the need for a better legislative process and more responsive representation.


Learn more about our Pennsylvania Legislation.

Statutes and Regulations

Learn more about our Pennsylvania Statutes and Regulations.

Voting Rights

Local and State Election Info: (Courtesy of Fair Districts PA)

How many we help you?

The Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee makes grants of up to a few thousand dollars to support dry referenda, total abstinence education, Prohibition Party candidates for local offices, historical preservation, and similar programs in Pennsylvania.

To request our assistance, email

Prohibition Party PA logo
Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee
P.O. Box 212
Needmore, PA 17238


Contact Form

We want to hear from you. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with the Prohibition Party Pennsylvania Chapter please contact us via the form below.

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