Chapter Information

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the Prohibition Party

Joining our Local Pennsylvania Prohibition Party Chapter

The overarching aim of the Prohibition Party is to advance public well-being, promote good governance, and uphold ethical public service. A Prohibition Party Local Chapter is a geographically specific area or region where the local population can benefit from regional focus and coordination. By collectively addressing national issues at the regional level, Prohibition Party local chapter members are able to provide input and develop execution plans while taking into consideration the dynamics of the region.

Prohibition Party membership includes the option to join a local chapter. A chapter provides you with the opportunity to attend networking events in your area and collaborate with other like-minded individuals about issues affecting traditional values for our country and local communities.

Prohibition Party PA logo

Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee
P.O. Box 212
Needmore, PA 17238

Tel: 717-485-5807


Pennsylvania Prohibition Party Chapter Officers

James Hedges:


Coming soon.


Rev. Robert Kettering:

Financial Reports

Activities of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee are financed primarily by income from the Pennock Trust.

This Trust was established in 1939 by the will of Lansdowne florist George Pennock (qv). Half of the Trust income, currently about $5000/year, is paid to the State Committee (the other half is paid to the Prohibition National Committee).

Our current bank balance is about $44,000.

By-Laws of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee

Examined by the Members of Record and Approved January 2023

 Article I — Nature and Purpose

The Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee is a political body, the function of which is to organ-ize, promote, and direct the political activity of that body of persons ordinarily known as the Pennsylvania Prohibition Party.

The Pennsylvania Prohibition Party seeks to restrict the use of beverage alcohol and other recreational drugs and to elect public officials who will enforce those restrictions.


Article II — Membership

Section 1.

Membership:  The Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee shall consist of all Pennsylvania residents included in the subscription list(s) of the Prohibition National Committee.

Section 2

Period of Membership:  Membership on the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee is perpetual, except in the event of (a) resignation, or (b) loss of contact (email or postal mail is returned to sender).


Article III — Officers and Committees

Section 1.

Officers:  The officers of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by the same person.

Section 2.

Duties of Officers:  The duties and functions of the officers shall be those normally performed by the respective officers of similar organizations.

Section 3.

Vacancies:  Vacancies shall be filled by the remaining officers, subject to approval by the members of the Committee at their next meeting.

Section 4.

Period of Service:  The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall serve for a period not to exceed 4 years between elections.  They may be elected/re-elected/replaced by the membership at any time, at a duly called meeting.

Section 5.

Committees:  The officers may appoint such sub-committees as may be desired to increase the effectiveness of the work of the State Committee.


Article IV — Meetings

Section 1.

Frequency:  The Pennsylvania State Committee shall meet at least quarterly, either in person or electronically.

Section 2.

Call:  The Secretary, after soliciting advice from the members, shall determine the locations and times of meetings.

Section 3.

Notification:  The Secretary shall allow at least one week for members’ discussions of where and when to meet; after which he shall provide these meeting details to all members at least one week in advance of the stated time and place.

Section 4.

Initiative: Any six members of the Committee acting jointly may demand that a meeting be held for some specific reason, after which the Officers must call a meeting to be held within 15 days.

Section 5.

Quorum:  A quorum at any meeting shall consist of at least one Officer and two other members present and voting.


Article V — Financial Controls and Limitations

Section 1.

Administration:  The administration of the funds of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee shall be entrusted to the Officers.

Section 2.

Income:  The work of the Committee is supported by dedicated income from the George Pennock Trust (1939); expenditure of those monies must conform to the terms of the Trust. The Committee may also receive free-will donations from other individuals and organizations; those monies may be spent at the direction of the Officers.

    Section 3.

    Special Expenditures:  No officer or employee of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee shall incur any special obligation, in amount above $500.00, without the unanimous approval of the Officers.

    Section 4.

    Loans:  No officer or employee of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee shall borrow money on behalf of the Committee without the approval of the Officers.

     Section 5.

    Bonds:  Any officer or employee of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee who regularly handles funds of the Committee may be placed under bond in amount to be determined by the Officers.  The bonding charge shall be paid from funds of the Committee.


    Article VI — Proxy Service

    Any member of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee who is unable to attend a meeting of the Committee may appoint another member to represent him at that specific meeting.  Notice of proxy assignment shall be sent to the Secretary before the meeting; proxies shall be identified when the roll is taken.


    Article VII — Amendments

    These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at a duly called meeting of the Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee, provided that the text of the proposed amendment(s) is included in the meeting call.