Pennsylvania needs 0.05%

Originally Posted September 4, 2024

Traffic data show that there is a statistically significant increase in impairment by the time blood-alcohol concentration reaches 0.04%. Most European countries, and many others world-wide, now enforce a maximum of 0.05%.

Drivers with a concentration between 0.05 and 0.08 are seven times as likely to have a fatal accident and up to 17 times more likely to be killed in an accident than are sober drivers.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Board advised 10 years ago that all states reduce their permissible BAC to 0.05%. Yet, most American states, inclduing Pennsylvania, still allow 0.08%.

It’s time for public health and safety to be given a higher priority that the private profits of the alcohol pushers. Get on board, Pennsylvania!

We need someone to take responsibility for finding legislative sponsors for a bill in Harrisburg to do this, and for monitoring the progress of the bill. Speak up, if you will volunteer to do that.

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