Leah Cobb Marion

Pennsylvania Prohibition Party Candidate

Mrs. Leah Cobb Marion was the first woman to be chosen by any regularly organized political party as its nominee for United States senator. The Prohibitionists made no mistake in their choice.

From inheritance and education, she is a public-spirited woman. Her father, Daniel H. Cobb, and her mother, Helen Bundy Cobb, were both teachers. Mrs. Marion was born in Woodhull, New York, while her father was the principal of Woodhull Academy. It was from him she received the greater part of her education, although she attended the State Normal School at Genesee, New York, and later studied at Alfred University, New York, for a brief time. She was a teacher for five years previous to her marriage in 1896.

From her father, she inherited a keen interest in public affairs. A part of this wise father’s teaching was taken from the great political speeches of the day. Public servants were household names in that home. It is not surprising, therefore, to find this daughter well-primed for political affairs.

Mrs. Marion joined the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union when a young woman, and gave splendid service as a local and county president.

She is now filling her eleventh year as Treasurer of the Pennsylvania WCTU, and on account of this work is well-known counties (sic the Statesman reprint). This Society has about one thousand local organizations scattered over the state, carrying a paid membership of 50,000 women, together with a large honorary following. She handles a large sum of money annually and is considered to be one of the best if not the best, state Treasurers in the national WCTU. Through her financial leadership, Pennsylvania states at the head in membership and in the amount paid to the National Million Dollar Jubilee Fund. She is a member of the National WCTU finance committee.

She has led some very aggressive and successful campaigns against liquor candidates, and against violators of the liquor laws.

She has worked unceasingly for the National Prohibition Amendment and believes firmly in its enforcement.

She has vigorously supported all efforts for both state and national Suffrage amendments, establishing a speaker’s bureau for the campaign of 1915, through which she booked speakers for nearly 1000 addresses, proving her ability as an executive.

Besides her duties in the WCTU, Mrs. Marion is a member of the Cameron Chapter of the DAR, an active worker in the League of Woman Voters, and member of the Executive Committee of the Red Cross.

In both her prohibition and suffrage work, she has been alive to the persistent and determined opposition of Senator Penrose, and last spring made an appeal to certain Republican leaders to present a more worthy candidate, warning them that if women were enfranchised, the 50,000 members of the WCTU would never vote for the man who has protected the evil interests of the State, and who has bitterly opposed the two great reforms in which they’re so vitally interested. Since no heed was paid to this appeal, Mrs. Marion, at the request of Prohibitionists, became their candidate.