Aide Allen Stevens was born in Antis Township, Blair County, Pa., on Aug. 20, 1845. He attended public school until he was 14 years of age, when pecuniary circumstances made it necessary for him to give up his school life. After leaving school, he learned the art of photography, at which lie worked until 1864 when he enlisted in the 3d Battalion, Pennsylvania Volunteers, afterward re-enlisting in the 15th Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry, in which he served until the close of the war.
In 1870 he entered the study of law. He was admitted to practice in 1872, and located at Tyrone, where he now resides. In his boyhood, he connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been an active and zealous worker. In 1869 he was married to Miss Mary Emma Howe. Four children were born to them, three of which are now living.
Mr. Stevens is recognized as one of the leading and successful lawyers in central Pennsylvania. In addition to the practice of law, he is largely engaged in the manufacturing of lime and the shipping of limestone. He is president of the Tyrone Gas and Water Company, a director of the First National Bank of Tyrone, and actively identified with the local improvements of the town.
From boyhood, Mr. Stevens has been a zealous teetotaler and worker in the cause of Total Abstinence and Prohibition. At an early age, he was admitted to membership in the Sons of Temperance and afterward to the Order of Good Templars, in which last-named organization he became an active and leading worker. He was one of the active workers in the agitation which brought about the adoption of Local Option in Pennsylvania, and after its adoption, he was actively engaged in securing its enforcement, and for many years gave much of his time in the courts in prosecuting the violators of the same, for which services he refused to accept compensation.
In 1869, after what appeared to be the defeat of Local Option in Pennsylvania by the legislature, he co-operated with James Black and others in calling the first convention in Pennsylvania for the organization of the Prohibition Party in that State, and ever since has been actively identified with the party, both in State and national organizations. He was chairman of the State committee during the campaigns of 1886, 1887, and 1888, and the leader of the Pennsylvania delegation at the national conventions of 1888 and 1892. At the national convention of 1888, he was elected a member of the national executive committee and afterward vice-chairman of the same. At the national convention of 1892, he was re-elected as a member of the national executive committee.
— An Album of Representative Prohibitionists (1895)